Our vision is to ensure accessible anti-bias, anti-racist and consent-based learning for all families. Support us by making a one-time donation to our Brave Nature School Foundation. All donations made through our donation portal are tax deductible.
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BNS Foundation is a registered 501c3 non-profit that is strictly charged with fundraising to supplement the costs of operating our micro-school where needed. Given that it is unrealistic to have a perfectly and equitably balanced representation of each income bracket represented across cohorts and programs, this Foundation serves to fill in the inevitable gaps. This ensures all children and families who wish to participate in our programs may do so seamlessly without having to wait for a specific income bracket slot to become available.
Scholarship systems disincentivize people with fewer economic means from pursuing education in four ways:
1. Dependence on scholarships places undue uncertainty onto an application process.
2. Scholarship-based systems create sticker shock while leaving the final price for any prospective student a mystery. This complicates decisions to apply.
3. Scholarship-based systems devalue people with less economic power by asking them to prove themselves worthy. These people must work harder to apply.
4. Scholarship-based systems can prejudice organizations against scholarship-seekers, because it requires greater administrative effort to process and review applications for scholarships.
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Are you interested in partnering with us to achieve our mission of ensuring accessible anti-bias, anti-racist and consent-based learning for all families?
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